5 Pros and Cons of White Kitchen Cabinets You Should Know

Regarding home renovation, only one room needs to be 100% functional: the kitchen. Given that it’s the heart and soul of every home, it should be presentable. Deciding on a kitchen design isn’t an easy task, especially when it comes to kitchen cabinets, specifically white ones.

White kitchen cabinets are the most debated topic regarding kitchen design. Some people adore their simplicity, while others dislike it. Luckily, we have prepared five pros and cons of white kitchen cabinets people should know about so they can easily decide.

  • White kitchen cabinets are classic and classy.
  • They can improve the resale value.
  • White cabinets make the kitchen look bigger.
  • They can make the kitchen look more sanitary
  • Kitchen cabinets that are white highlight the textures in the kitchen.

White kitchen cabinets are the most popular choice in many households. Regardless of its popularity, many homeowners have divided opinions. Why is that? The color white seems so basic and neutral. What could be the reason for its discussion? There are five reasons to like or dislike white kitchen cabinets, so read on to find out more!

An image of a Beautiful home kitchen with white cabinets and backlight.

What Are the Pros of White Kitchen Cabinets?

The pros of white kitchen cabinets include a classic look, improving the home’s value, making the kitchen appear larger and cleaner, and giving the room a more sanitary look. Let’s look at all of these in more detail.

White kitchen cabinets are classic and classy

There is no doubt about it, white cabinets are classy and timeless. When it comes to kitchen design, they go with almost any style. With white cabinets, people can choose the wall and countertop color they like without worrying if it will match.

This also applies to kitchen appliances and other items in the kitchen. People can have an eclectic, modern, or traditional kitchen, and white cabinets provide an elegant background.

They can improve the resale value

If people consider listing their house, resale value is something to consider. It turns out that among buyers, white cabinets are very popular. This way, it is easy for them to visualize their future kitchen design. The white kitchen is like a clean white canvas for them.

The most important factor in the home resale value is the kitchen, especially with white cabinets. They can increase the home value – which is an interesting piece of information to know about.

White kitchen cabinets make a kitchen look bigger

The way to make things look bigger is to add light. White reflects light. So it should be no surprise that white makes any room look bigger and cleaner. With white cabinets, any kitchen will feel lighter and more spacious, especially with windows and good lighting. Just imagine the kitchen will look flawless and pristine when the sunlight hits the white cabinets.

They can make the kitchen look more sanitary

When there are dark cabinets, they hide the greasy stains and dirt. If the filth isn’t cleaned, it will build up over time and create a paradise for bacteria and germs. On the other hand, the white color reveals any spots so that people can clean it right away. 

White kitchen cabinets will highlight the textures in the kitchen

White is a neutral color. Thanks to that, if there are quartz or granite surfaces in a kitchen, they will stand out more. This is something that most people do when they are renovating their kitchen on a budget.

Just think about it, with cheap white cabinets, anyone can afford one or two pricier items in the kitchen that will get more attention.

An image of a modern kitchen interior with white cabinets and tile.

What Are the Cons of White Kitchen Cabinets?

The cons of white kitchen cabinets are discoloration, high maintenance, a sterile and cold look, limits on decor options, and may not suit a person’s style.

White kitchen cabinets will discolor after some time

First off, white kitchen cabinets are prone to showing dirt from use and normal wear and tear. They’ll need to be cleaned regularly.

Even then, white cabinets will fade and turn grey or yellow over time. Mostly this happens because of cooking. The grease particles from cooking attach to kitchen cabinets, making them discolor if it’s not immediately cleaned.

White kitchen cabinets will be high maintenance

Because the white color is neutral, it shows dirt and stains. We need to clean them regularly – and perhaps every time after cooking. In some households, this means two or three times a day.

Also, they show marks and scratches. It’s not unusual for white cabinets to wear and tear if we don’t maintain them properly, especially if there are small children.

Pro tip: dings and dents on a white kitchen cabinet can be temporarily “fixed” with a white permanent marker. This will keep it looking good until you can properly fix the ding with some wood putty and paint.

White kitchen cabinets can look sterile and cold

Sometimes, the white cabinets have a clinical feel, like we are in a hospital, dentist’s office, or a busy restaurant kitchen. White isn’t the most casual and warm color.

So, if we want an easygoing feel to our kitchens when having dinner parties, we must add some extra decor details and warm color around the room.

White kitchen cabinets can limit home decor choices

White is praised for its diversity in home decor, but that isn’t always true. We often forget that there are countless shades of white. There are “warmer” and “colder” shades of white. For example, pearly white and antique white look very different. And they can look different when we see them in person or in a catalog.

This makes it hard to match the white shade of kitchen cabinets with the other white furniture. Let’s not forget the other essential element in the kitchen, and that is the lighting. If we like warmer shades of kitchen lighting, this will make pearly white cabinets look shabby.

White kitchen cabinets may not suit your lifestyle

White is not for everyone. Some people are perfectionists, and everything must be spotless in their kitchen. White cabinets may not be a great option for families with small children. If you wish to have a kitchen that doesn’t require much upkeep, then white cabinets, in general, are not for you. 

Are White Kitchen Cabinets Considered Timeless or Dated?

For some, the color white is classic and timeless, and for some, it is outdated and dull. Thus, white kitchen cabinets are timeless and dated, as the “final answer” depends on the homeowner’s preference.

White kitchen cabinets will probably never go out of style because they are practical. Not only that, but they are also a classic with established value.

Timeless white kitchen cabinets

Speaking of timeless white cabinets, a neutral white color is a perfect choice for practicality and simplicity. White cabinets are a beloved classic piece of furniture for many homeowners.

It’s super simple to restyle kitchen decor with white cabinets. Just pick a style, traditional or modern. The possibilities are endless because white allows us to play with other colors and designs. Visually, we can make the kitchen look simple or eclectic. 

Dated white kitchen cabinets

On the other hand, some people consider white cabinets to be a trend and nothing more. Nowadays, kitchen design uses bold color pallets, rich color tones, and textured kitchen items. More people are eager to embrace their individual styles and express their personalities through design.

An image of a modern kitchen interior with white furniture.

What Type of White Kitchen Cabinets Are Best?

The “best” white kitchen cabinets will depend on the homeowner’s preference and other decorating elements. When choosing the best white kitchen cabinets, look at the other kitchen elements around the cabinets: appliances, backsplash, countertop, wall color, etc. Here are our three timeless choices.

White shaker cabinets

Shaker kitchen cabinets, like the color white, are a timeless and classical choice. Whether we have a modern or traditional kitchen design, white shaker cabinets will fit like a glove in the kitchen. Thanks to their sharp and clean lines, they seem very neutral and visually pleasing.

Choose the best shade of white for your kitchen

Most times, pure white color isn’t always the best option for kitchen cabinets. White has many beautiful shades, so choose the one appropriate for the kitchen.

  • For example, if we choose white cabinets with blue or grey undertones, the kitchen will appear cooler but, at the same time, inviting.
  • The kitchen will appear warm and cozy if we choose white cabinets with yellow or ivory undertones.
  • Consider these suggestions and choose the right shade of white for the kitchen.

Consider the tones (cool, warm, inviting) also in terms of the kitchen lighting and size, as they all play on each other.

White cabinets with black hardware and/or accents

What is more classic than a white and black kitchen? We don’t have to go the whole nine yards here with the black and white tile floor. Just a little bit of black will do the trick.

If we like big black surfaces, consider a black countertop or backsplash. If we prefer black details, we can try black hardware, such as black door handles or knobs.

Key Takeaways and Next Steps

There are two ways to go when it comes to white kitchen cabinets: go big or go home. There is no right or wrong decision. Choose the one you like the best.

If we prefer a more classic design approach, go with the white kitchen cabinets. The best part is we can add some colorful details to the kitchen if the all-white kitchen is too dull.

Perhaps we don’t want to settle down in an all-white kitchen. Try some bold colors and textures in this case, and feel free to avoid the white color completely.

The decision is entirely yours. Consider your lifestyle, whether you cook, have children, etc., whatever you decide. White kitchen cabinets are generally a good investment because they are timeless and practical!

Ready to keep taking your kitchen to the next level? Ensure you know the answer to this question: Does a Sink Have to Be Centered in the Cabinet? Click that link to find the answer, our research, and our thoughts!


Learning from your own experience is important, but learning from others is also smart. These sources were used in this article and our research to be more informed as we DIY and decorate our homestead.

  • Are White Kitchen Cabinets Going Out Of Style? (2022, August 8). https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/white-kitchen-cabinets-going-out-style-blog-team
  • Bast, C. (2022, December 5). Are White Kitchens Timeless or Trendy? Carla Bast Design. https://carlabast.com/are-white-kitchens-timeless-or-trendy/
  • Morton, K. M. (2021, January 12). The Pros & Cons of White Kitchen Cabinets – Classic Home Improvements. CLASSIC Home Improvements. https://www.classichomeremodeling.com/the-pros-cons-of-white-kitchen-cabinets/
  • Nelson, E. (2022, October 12). Do White Kitchen Cabinets Increase the Resale Value of Your Home? Nelson Cabinetry. https://nelsonkb.com/white-kitchen-cabinets-can-increase-value/
  • Ryan, R. (2019, April 5). The Pros and Cons of White Kitchen Cabinets. Best Online Cabinets. https://www.bestonlinecabinets.com/blog/the-pros-and-cons-of-white-kitchen-cabinets/.
  • Spencer, J. (2022, November 14). Pros And Cons Of White Kitchen Cabinets. Kitchen Infinity. https://kitcheninfinity.com/pros-and-cons-of-white-kitchen-cabinets/
  • Team, R. (2021, July 6). 3 Favorite White Kitchen Cabinets Styles. RTA Cabinet Blog. https://www.rtacabinetstore.com/blog/3-types-white-kitchen-cabinets-explained/
  • The Problem with White Kitchen Cabinets. (2022, September 13). Normandy Remodeling. https://www.normandyremodeling.com/blog/problem-white-kitchen-cabinets
  • Yascaribay, C. Y. (2023, January 1). What are the Pros and Cons of White Kitchen Cabinets? Marble.com. https://marble.com/articles/what-are-the-pros-and-cons-of-white-kitchen-cabinets
  • Zhong, Y. (2021, June 11). White Kitchen Cabinets: Pros and Cons. Kitchen Art Design. https://kitchenartdesign.com/the-pros-and-cons-of-white-kitchen-cabinets/

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